Provides a seal when installing pipe into risers, basins, etc.
- Ease of Installation
- Weather and Corrosion Resistant
- No Bolts or Gaskets Required
- Requires No Sealants
- Durable PVC Composition
- Material: PVC 70 Durometer
- Available in 3/8" through 6" sizes
- Select proper hole saw from information below and cut hole at desired location in part.
- Insert Adapt-A-Flex into the hole, making sure that it is flush against part.
- Slightly bevel one end of inlet pipe, making it easier to push through Adapt-A-Flex.
- Apply soapy water to Adapt-A-Flex at inlet pipe insertion point
- Apply soapy water on beveled end of inlet pipe.
- Push inlet pipe through Adapt-A-Flex
Sizing info for 1 1/4" #AKP10035 AAF-125-H250
Hole Saw Size: 2"

A = 1.637
B = .506
C = 1.385
D = 2.078