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Reed Water Service Tools & Machines
DRAIN-SLEEVE filter sock prevents sand and silt from entering and clogging perforated drainage pipes.
DRAIN-SLEEVE is recommended for the protection of all underground drainage systems in all soil types. It is particularly suited for use in sandy and silty soil conditions.
DRAIN-SLEEVE is a low cost and timesaving alternative to backfilling with expensive, heavy, and sometimes hard to find granular backfill materials. The specially knit fabric allows very fine soil particles to pass through and into the perforated pipe that are subsequently discharged from the drainage pipe with the water. The remaining larger soil particles that are blocked from passing through the fabric, bridge against each other on the outer surface of the fabric. Like granular backfill materials, the bridging effect of these soil particles improves the permeability of the native backfill materials immediately surrounding the perforated drainage pipe.
DRAIN-SLEEVE can be used with all types of perforated drainage pipe materials including:
•Corrugated polyethylene
•Smooth–wall and Corrugated PVC and ABS
•Corrugated Steel and Aluminum
DRAIN-SLEEVE is recommended for use in all types of underground drainage systems including:
•Foundation Drainage
•Garden Drainage
•Landscape Drainage
•Driveway and Road Drainage
•Sports Field Drainage
•Agricultural Land Drainage
•Anywhere that perforated drainage pipes are used
DRAIN-SLEEVE is easy to use, just pull it over the pipe like pulling on your socks. It is easily cut to the desired length, thereby eliminating waste.
DRAIN-SLEEVE is available in a broad assortment of sizes and product configurations to meet your needs. Additional sizes are available by special order.
DRAIN-SLEEVE products are manufactured in the USA and meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM D6707, type "A" fabrics.
DRAIN-SLEEVE products should not be left exposed to direct sunlight for periods exceeding 60 days as fabric strength may be compromised.
All plastic packaging materials and fabric should be kept away from small children and pets as choking hazards may exist.