Money-saving reamers are designed to clean out the old or broken pipe and leftover solvent cement from a fitting so the fitting can be reused.
Kit with PPR75 (3/4"), PPR100 (1"), PPR125 (1 1/4"), PPR150 (1 1/2"), PPR200 (2"), PPR300 (3"), PPR400 (4") in a hard plastic case
Reams Sch. 40 PVC, CPVC & ABS Fittings
Plastic Pipe Fitting Reamers fit into standard ½” drills.
PPR reamers work great for vent lines, drain lines, and water lines.
Its carbide cutting insert provides a cutting edge on each side.
Rotate before replacement and receive three bonus cutting edges.
Use high torque, low RPM drill setting to reduce heat caused by friction and to provide the cleanest ream.
NOTE: REED plastic pipe reamers (Clean Ream Extreme® and Clean Ream Plus®) work with North America pipe diameters as they fit specific ID/OD for reaming work.
NOTE: PPR Fitting Reamers are NOT recommended for use on pressurized systems.